Rather that typing a long sentence, enter something like 'document separator'. This will return all the articles with the words 'document' or the word 'separator' in the title or keyword list.

Text searchable PDF documents are fast becoming a preferred storage standard within the imaging industry. They certainly do bring with them some nice features but they also bring some potential shortcomings when compared to accurately indexed documents. Let's take a look at both the advantages an


This can be due to many things from scanning with a different resolution than the sample document, or a bad scan, to name a few. Employ the use of anchors on the sample document. An anchor is an identifiable mark that will appear across all documents that helps the software align a docume


You may experience a situation where Umango creates blank pages when importing PDF documents. This may occur when Umango is importing pdf's using a watched folder from Umango's Windows service (job services). This is due to a bug in a September 2017 Windows update of .NET. To resolve t


Regular Expressions 'RegEx' are a fast, powerful and accurate way to be able to identify exactly the text you want to extract from an area of a document. For those with some technical know-how the steps in creating Regular Expressions can be simple, for others it may take a little more time.


To set a format validation regex to ensure that users enter a date in the correct format, you can use the regex below. This ensures the format MM/DD/YYYY and also allows for M/D/YYYY REGEX(((0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])\/\d{4})) The regex below a
