Rather that typing a long sentence, enter something like 'document separator'. This will return all the articles with the words 'document' or the word 'separator' in the title or keyword list.

Text searchable PDF documents are fast becoming a preferred storage standard within the imaging industry. They certainly do bring with them some nice features but they also bring some potential shortcomings when compared to accurately indexed documents. Let's take a look at both the advantages an


When exporting documents in Text Searchable PDF or PDF/A formats the i2 Scan indexing data is embedded into the pdf document as meta data tags. The indexing data is ONLY embedded for indexes that are selected for output to your indexing data file (csv, xml etc). If you do not select any indexes f


Custom event routines (*.exe files) can be run to process zone values. These can be helpful in carrying out real-time tests or changes to zone values that would not otherwise be possible. Typical uses might be to strip out characters, test for unusual formats, run validations etc. Index v


Custom event routines (*.exe files) can be run to process zone values. In OnChanged events, these can be helpful in reporting information to the user that may help the profiling process. Typical uses might be to test to make sure values exist in databases and advise the user accordingly or to run


Custom Export event routines (*.exe files) can be run to process documents or related index values when batches are exported. These can be helpful in carrying out special functions that are required during export that may otherwise not be possible. Typical uses might be to insert index values int


Note: Only available in versions after and including 5.1.50 Many values not provided in the default system indexes can be retrieved through the use of Fixed Index Lookups without having to build Zone scripts. Lookups are mainly used for LDAP property values relating to the user tha


Note: Only available in Umango Convert versions after and including 5.4.3 and Umango Extract after and including 5.8.0 Meta data can be merged into various job settings to enable dynamic naming and referencing of job exports. There are various types of meta data that can be used an


Umango Extract's standard folder browsing feature using the zone type "Export Field" feature is excellent in most instances. However, if you want users to be able to browse and select a folder from a large folder list it can be time consuming to find the right folder. It would be nice to be able


Umango merge fields are text areas within Umango that have access to metadata snippets or functions to retrieve or manipulate data. Some examples of how you might use a merge field are: Use the REPLACE function to search for some text and replace it with other text.
